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Child Fever Resources for Parents
Minimize common misconceptions and provide simple guidelines that ease concerns.
Educate parents about fever and fever-reducing medication
50% of parents believe their child has a fever when they have a temperature of less than 100.4°F1. And 1 out of every 4 parents would give antipyretics for temperatures <100°F. 2*
85% of parents reported waking their child to give medication
Even though 80% of pediatricians recommend letting them sleep.2*
Tell parents
A child’s temperature can vary by age, activity, and the time of day taken. 3 Each child’s “normal” is different, but a temperature above 100.4°F may indicate fever.3
The makers of TYLENOL® and MOTRIN® provide dosing resources and patient education to support your counseling efforts. In addition, the Infants’ TYLENOL ® product comes with a SimpleMeasure® syringe.
Let parents know it’s time to contact you if1:
Child under 3 months1:
Temperature of 100.4°F or higher
Child over 3 months1:
Temperature over 104°F
Temperature over 100.4°F plus any of the following symptoms1:
Severe headache
Repeated vomiting or diarrhea
Unusual rash
Sore throat or ear pain
Stiff neck
Appears very ill or extremely drowsy/fussy
Has been in a very hot place, like an overheated car
Has underlying immune system problems or seizure history, or takes steroids
*According to studies by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
REFERENCES: 1. When to call the pediatrician: fever. Accessed April 10, 2017. 2. Sullivan JE, Farrar HC; and the Section on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Committee on Drugs. Fever and antipyretic use in children. Pediatrics. 2011;127:580-587. 3. Fever and your baby. Accessed April 10, 2017.
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