Baby Teething Help

Babies may experience pain as teeth come in, but you can help minimize concern for parents.1

Start by sharing important facts about teething and teaching parents ways to alleviate baby’s symptoms, like using Infants’ TYLENOL®the #1 pediatrician-recommended brand for teething pain.2

Offer ways parents can provide relief1,3,4

  • Use a teething ring or rubber pacifier to apply pressure to the gums
  • Give baby cool items like a chilled teething ring, spoon, or wet washcloth to help with pain and swelling
  • Gently rub their gums with a clean finger or a moist gauze pad
  • Try a pain medicine like Infants’ TYLENOL®, the #1-pediatrician-recommended brand for teething pain
Counseling considerations for babies’ first teeth 
Advise parents that a tooth may be on its way if a child1,3,4:
  • Acts cranky or fussy
  • Drools
  • Wants to chew on hard objects
  • Has red gums, especially in the front 
Baby teething downloadable resources

Help parents with medicine safety

Tool to teach daily limits and active ingredients.

REFERENCES: 1. Teething: 4 to 7 months. Accessed April 10, 2017. 2. Data on file. Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. 2016. 3. American Dental Association. Teething. Accessed April 10, 2017. 4. Mayo Clinic. Infant and toddler health: Teething: tips for soothing sore gums. Accessed April 10, 2017.